US wants to pay less for UN peace missions

US wants to pay less for UN peace missions

The US wants to spend less money on the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the future. The country remains the strongest contributor.

The US wants to shed its financial share in the peacekeeping operations of the UN. He should be reduced from the current 28.5 percent to 25 percent, announced the US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, on Wednesday at a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York. The burden would have to be distributed “more evenly” between the Member States, she demanded.

Even with the targeted cut, the US remained the largest contributor to the peacekeeping missions, said the US diplomat. But if one country did not shoulder more than a quarter of that budget, she stressed.

Under pressure from the United States, the United Nations had already significantly cut its budget for peace missions last year. He is in the current budget year at $ 7.3 billion ($ 6 billion). That’s around $ 600 million, or seven percent less than last year.

USA ahead of China, Japan and Germany

The administration of US President Donald Trump has pushed through other cuts at the UN and insists on sweeping reforms and more efficiency in the world organization. UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who began in 2017, has set himself the goal of a comprehensive reform of the United Nations.

The new Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) took part in the debate of the UN Security Council on the future of the Blue Helmets on Wednesday. He called for a firm crackdown on sexual abuse by UN soldiers: “It would have left the blue helmet soldiers” those who vowed to protect them, “he said.

Rape allegations have come in recent years, especially from the Central African Republic. They have damaged the reputation of the UN peace missions.

Germany is the fourth largest financier of the blue helmets behind the USA, China and Japan. The German share is about 466 million dollars or 6.4 percent, according to the Foreign Office.

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